Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Its going to be a big year! My baby turns one in less than 6 weeks! This makes me so sad because it feels like yesterday that I met her for the first time. Princess is the theme of her birthday… shocker right! Anyways 2012 is going to be a great year.. I have decided it is our year… we are back in California where we belong and there are no more excuses. Wyatt has a show in the works and I am working on finding a part time job, getting my fitness goals in check, and just loving every moment of my life. I want to take more time out and focus on what’s important instead of feeling stressed all the time. We got a jogging stroller so Khloe and I have been tearing up the mountains here in Aguanga! Oh and I got a sewing machine so my goal is to make a ton of cool stuff….

Khloe got another tooth so she has been super cranky… but how can you be mad at this face!



  1. I recognize that picture :) You should see the outtakes haha

  2. hahah I love this picture! it was one of my favorites!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
