Friday, July 30, 2010

Almost August

This baby has been KILLING me !!! I never knew that morning sickness could be so horrible!!! In the end it will be worth it though! Work has been so tough too so im sure that is not helping,the weather here is like above 110 every day. Soooo disgusting. Why do we live here again??? Im getting really excited about the baby it has finally really set in. After three months it feels like it is actually happening, my stomache is starting to get bigger and im starting to feel pregnant. It still is so scary but im excited for this journey were about to go on. Were really grown up now, when you have kids you cant be an idiot anymore, you have to be the role model the one that they can go to and feel safe. Its so weird to think that i will be that person.Wyatt and i have been looking at new cars, what should i get, a new corolla, a new jeep... ahhh so many choices but i really want to keep my scion tc I love it!

I need to figure out where were going on a mini vacation before the baby is here...

Solvang maybe.??????