Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday Monday

Ok so i totally failed already on the 30 day photo challenge.... I think im going to start up again tomorrow. Dont judge me!

This weekend was crazy, we have 3 months left till we move. YAY! and so we decided to wait on buying a house and get an apartment for the time being. We found the most amazing apartment with a gym and drum roll please... tanning bed!

Oh and a fishing pond for Wyatt, Amazing layout and will work perfect for us! I am so excited and we can paint which is perfect because we need to paint Khloe's room! She will have a room again! YAY

This will be temporary ... Im thinking max of 2 years but its a great stepping stone for us and it is beautiful and gated! Out of the 6 we looked at we found a beautiful one and I am so happy and excited!


  1. I've been reading ur blog ur so inspiring! LOL Where u gonna move??

  2. Awe thanks!!!! Were looking at the Gables in Murrieta, their beautiful and big, right by the firemans park! So it would be perfect for Khloe... How are you??

  3. Im doing good- happy to be in OC but adjusting and not being as close to everybody is a little more difficult than i thought. LOL See you soon- scentsy party rt?? :)

  4. Ya im sure that is tough!! Yes you will see me there! so excited! cant wait!
