Friday, September 28, 2012

Hurricane Khloe

 The last couple days with Khloe have been insane! Seriously Hurricane Khloe is the perfect name for her. From getting into the fridge to opening up the dryer and climbing inside I just cant seem to keep up with her.
I havent been sleeping good either, getting home at 10:30 and not really going to sleep until 12 is having a horrible effect on me. I heard about this stuff called melatonin and it helps you sleep.

Natrol Melatonin TR, 5 mg, Time Release Tablets - 100 tablets

It says it helps you get more restful sleep and relaxing sleep. Maybe this will help with the horrible teeth grinding I do at night! Has anyone tried it??

It is looking pretty good to me right now!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Healthy Life: Its not always easy

Being healthy is not always easy. I used to workout 4 times a week and I ate pretty good. I was also super skinny. After I met Wyatt I started gaining weight.. I blame him but I know it is all me. It is so hard to be on a diet when you see your husband eating 18 chili dogs and not gaining a single ounce. I am not that way, I look at a bag of chips and gain 5 pounds.
Im learning that it is all about how your body works and not any one elses. I judge myself based on others way too often. This has been a huge challenge for me but I am learning to just focus on me and not what is working for other people.
I know I will never be a size 2 but I will continue to work my butt off to be healthier...
I love this picture because this girl is GORGEOUS and she is not a size 2!
"For all the women who have curves... you can diet forever and still be a size 10. It's called bone structure . Try and be healthy and work for fitness. This woman  is still beautiful and toned!AMEN! I really need to remember this! I love the blog this came from!!"
yep ... might as well start today!
So true.. making little changes will effect the rest of your life!

Monday, September 24, 2012

All in the details

Lately I have become super lazy with the house cleaning. Normally I am super crazy about it and I will freak over a little thing of dust. But lately Im trying to take a more laid back approach to life. I havent cleaned in a week and the house is starting to get a little dusty but honestly I dont want to take 2 hours out of my life today to clean the house. I found an amazing solution!!
Pinned Image
This cleaning Calender will help me get all my cleaning stuff done each week but not take a full day to obsess over everything and It will give me more time to be with Khloe. I think this is awesome and since I work till 10pm every night this week Wyatt can do the stuff at night! ( I have the most helpful, amazing, wonderful husband ever)
The only thing that is not on this list is dusting the house.. I would suggest doing it on Monday before you vacuum the house.
And on the days I fee ambitious and decide to clean the whole house...
Pinned Image
I like the last part about the celebratory drink of choice... maybe champagne and cranberry juice.. or drinking it while your cleaning!

Friday, September 21, 2012


There is so much struggle in life and you can get so caught up in it that you aren't thankful for the great things in life.
I always focus on whats wrong instead of whats going good.. BIG PROBLEM...
These quotes I found on Pinterest and It is just what I needed to hear.
I like this
Life is full of ups and downs and I am learning to just go with it.. It is a liberating feeling.
Happy Friday! Go count your rainbows!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Healthy Life: 100 Calories

Burn 100 calories right now!
If only I did this twice an hour...
Burn 100 calories
A 9 minute workout that burns 100 calories... umm yes count me in!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Breast Cancer Awareness

I have the breast cancer gene on both sides of my family. Breast cancer is something that is so scary and I want to be here for my daughter as long as possible. Cancer takes so many things from people. My grandma was one that died way too early because of cancer. So todays post is all about Cancer. Here are some of the things to look for and if you see any changes in your breast please please please go see your doctor immediatly.

  • Lump, hard knot or thickening inside the breast or underarm area
  • Swelling, warmth, redness or darkening of the breast
  • Change in the size or shape of the breast
  • Dimpling or puckering of the skin
  • Itchy, scaly sore or rash on the nipple
  • Pulling in of your nipple or other parts of the breast
  • Nipple discharge that starts suddenly
  • New pain in one spot that doesn’t go away
  • If you have any of these signs check with your doctor.
    Also self breast exams are so importatnt! Here is the link to the website I got this information from and it also has a step by step home breast exam walk through.
    Breast cancer awareness breast-cancer

    Tuesday, September 18, 2012

    I dont know why...

    But this makes me laugh so hard...
    lol idk why this makes me laugh so much

    Monday, September 17, 2012


    Why did you have to come so fast... I didn't even get a weekend!
    Khloe has been something else this morning.... Here is just a glimpse of whats been going on in the Roose household...
    She has decided to start to climb into EVERYTHING now .. Pretty exciting stuff

    Sunday, September 16, 2012

    Theres nothing like...

    * Drinking lemon water and doing pilates to start your day
    *Making a good chunk of money in tips and coming home with cash
    *More hours at work because a girl just quit
    *Watching the show that your husband used to be on and laugh because its gone down the SH***er
    * My husband doing his hair and it looking so good I wish i wasnt going to work but instead a date with my sexy man.
    *My beautiful little girl playing and laughing.
    My weekend has been crazy but I am so thankful for my beautiful little family... I love them tons!
    Happy Sunday all!!

    Friday, September 14, 2012

    High Five for Friday

    This week has flown by! Here are my five favorite things this week.
    1. Wyatt officially signed his papers for work so he will be full time on his route.
    2.Took Khloe to Gymnastics and she loved it!!
    3. Going on a girls night with my friend Jessee and drinking too much so the boys had to come pick us up.. this NEVER happens I never drink anymore so it was fun to just let loose for a while.
    4.Making a big sale at work for an event!! yay me!
    5. I came across this on pinterest and I love this quote!
    happiness. choose & fight.
    Have a happy Friday everyone!

    Thursday, September 13, 2012

    The Healthy Life: Lemon Water

    I have heard from many people that lemon water has some great health benefits.  I didnt really listen to them and then this morning I ran out of coffee and just so happen to pick up some lemon juice at the store the other day so I thought maybe I should try it and I am super happy I did.
    The benefits are amazing and its a light and refreshing way to start your morning. I warmed mine up for only 30 seconds then threw in some lemon juice.. SO EASY!
    Here are just a few health benefits:
    1.Boosts your immune system... who doesnt need that!
    2. Balances Ph
    3.Helps with weight loss.. So this is a big thing for me and a huge benefit of drinking it .. this will become my new morning routine.
    4.Aids in digestion... If you have problems with that let me tell you ... It will NOT be a problem after you drink this stuff.
    5.Is a diuretic... nuff said.
    6.Clears skin. Now I have kinda bad skin and have major breakouts so I am hoping that this will help with that.
    You can find out more here about lemon water and more benefits.
    So go grab a mug, water and lemon.

    Wednesday, September 12, 2012

    Quality time

    This weekend was crazy again!! Sunday we were supposed to go grocery shopping and do the mundane stuff but instead we went to Laguna!!
    I have a crazy obsession with Laguna. It is the place that I feel happiest. When we go there I just feel like nothing else matters. This is why I want to move there so bad. Wyatt and I have made a 5 year goal to move either to Laguna or Carlsbad. Wyatt wants to move to Carlsbad but even if I get closer to Laguna I will be happy.
    Come on who wouldnt want to live there... It is GORGEOUS!!

    Monday, September 10, 2012

    Simply Stunning

    Simply Stunning

    Fall outfit for a lunch date!


    Friday, September 7, 2012


    So I was going through Pinterest this morning and I found some great healthy recipes that I want to try!
    Spicy Sweet Potato Fries: With only 106 calories per serving, this super-easy baked alternative to french fries gets a flavorful kick from cayenne pepper, smoked paprika, and salt.
    Sweet Potato Fries... OMG have I been obsessed lately and here is a healthy recipe for them!!
    Healthy Recipe: Creamy Zucchini Boats
    Zucchini boats anyone?? these look so delish!
    No Fry Fries by Gwyneth Paltrow- the trick is soaking in cold water prior to baking
    These are fries .. yes but you soak them in cold water before you BAKE them! Low cal and healthy!!
    Sweet potato burger with avocado.
    Sweet Potato Burger with avocado.... yummm
    Looks like I have some cooking to do!!!!
    Happy Friday !!

    Thursday, September 6, 2012

    Toddler clothes

     Khloe has turned into a toddler too fast and it makes me miss the days where she would just lay there and we could just ooh and awe over her.
    Plus the tiny baby clothes which are always so adorable!!
    Well toddler clothes are pretty adorable too and here are a couple of things I want to get for my little bug for fall.
    Giggle Moon Sugar and Spice Swing Set
    Is this not the most adorable outfit ever!!
    Giggle Moon Ruby Red Ruffle Dress
    Maybe a fall fur coat... don't worry Peta its fake!
    Mud Pie Pink  Faux  Fur Coat
    For winter all the Holiday parties she will need this dress
    Mud Pie Damask Party Dress
    Seriously Lollipop moon has the most adorable children's clothes!!

    Tuesday, September 4, 2012

    5 Things you might not know about me

    1. I went to Christian school for a huge chunk of my life.
    2. I use pink staples on everything... yes even my work stuff...

    3. I love watching my husband sleep.. it sounds creepy but he just looks so peaceful ( I am staring at him right now as I type this)
    4. One of my favorite movies is Never Been Kissed...
    5. I have one tattoo of a bow on the back of my neck and I have been itching to get another one sometime soon! I just need to figure out where I want it.


    Family is a touchy subject for me.. My mom is amazing and is always there to talk and super supportive with everything... She was the first of my family to find out about my tattoo. That says a lot. But my Dads side is so judgemental and if you don't do things the way they want you to do them or what they think is right then you are basically just a failure. I'm sure a lot of people have these same situations in family and it sucks. We went to a BBQ last night with my Dads side of the family and honestly Wyatt and I felt invisible. Any time we start to say something someone else talks over us and we never are respected. This has been this way for a while, my brother is always the one that they worship and me .. well I have always had different ideas than them and done things my own way. I  leave these family gatherings always feeling shitty and like I am nothing. I got the same BMW as my step sister and my dads wife just went on about how her daughters rims were bigger than mine. Everyone else is always better than me or has something better and I am left feeling invisible and insignificant.
    Bottom line it stops today.
    I am done with feeling like that around them and I am taking a break from them for a while. I have always been the black sheep of the family and that will never change.
    But I refuse to be blatantly ignored when I talk or ask someone a question.
    I have more self respect than that and just because I dont do everything the way they think I should does not mean that I am a horrible person.
    My dad still does not know about my tattoo and I have been too scared to even tell him but I dont care anymore. I am my own person and I am breaking this cycle of  that side of the family and I will be my total self and be the way I am when im with my mom.
    I dont need to carry their baggage and mean spirit with me so I choose NOW  to let it go.

    Monday, September 3, 2012

    Hair ...

    I am getting bored with my hair... I usually do about every six months... I dont know if I want to change the color or the cut but I do know that Pinterest is the first place I look for inspiration!
    I really love this color and it is not too dark which I love...
    love the color
    I am loving this layered bob look too... I have never done anything like that before..
    long bob w/ layered bangs
    decisions decisions... Happy Labor Day everyone!!

    Saturday, September 1, 2012

    Shellac manicure

    Before I went to work this morning I went to get my nail fixed but then decided to take off all my fakey nails and get a manicure... A shellac manicure at that!
    I have never had one but I have heard good things about it and that it really lasts a while..
    Here is a picture of the color I got.. note this is not my hand...
    The lady at the nail place was probably super annoyed with me because I could not make a decision on the color!! I have not been able to make decisions of any kind... I'm so wishy washy today ughhh hate that!!
    So then I went to Starbucks and got a non fat carmel macchiato... yummm
    My day was pretty amazing and now I have pretty nails too!
    Also does anyone feel super weird having a little Chinese lady give you a hand massage??? I felt a little weird... where do you look while its happening... I have had it done before but this time It was just AWKWARD!!